Dream On by Aerosmith Lyric Meaning

Episode 10 – Dream On by Aerosmith: A Reminder to Keep Dreaming

Show Notes

Dream On

June 27, 1973, Bostonian rock legends Aerosmith released their very first major hit onto the US airwaves with their classic Dream On. A song that would go onto to serve as a radio staple for going on 6 decades. Chances are if you were to turn on a classic rock radio station to this day, you would eventually hear Steven Tyler belting out some of the most recognizable vocals of all time. Join me today as we find out what inspired the writing of the song and what exactly the lyrics mean on this episode of Lyrics That Rock.

The Lyrics

Every time when I look in the mirror
All these lines on my face getting clearer
The past is gone
It went by, like dusk to dawn
Isn’t that the way
Everybody’s got the dues in life to pay

I know nobody knows
Where it comes and where it goes
I know it’s everybody’s sin
You got to lose to know how to win

Half my life’s
In books’, written pages
Lived and learned from fools and
From sages
You know it’s true, oh
All these feelings come back to you

Sing with me, sing for the year
Sing for the laughter, sing for the tear
Sing with me, just for today
Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away

Dream on
Dream on
Dream on
Dream until your dreams come true

About The Song

“Dream On” is a power ballad by American rock band Aerosmith, featured on their 1973 debut album. Written by lead singer Steven Tyler, it marked the band’s first major hit and became a staple of classic rock radio. Although the song peaked at number 59 on the Billboard Hot 100 upon its initial release in June 1973, it was an immense success in the band’s hometown of Boston, where it topped local charts and garnered heavy airplay. The song was re-issued in 1975 and climbed the charts, eventually reaching number 6 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1976.

Over the years, “Dream On” has cemented its legacy. Rolling Stone ranked it among the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time, placing it at number 172 in 2004, later re-ranked in 2010 and 2021. The song was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 2018, and in 2023, it surpassed one billion streams on Spotify. Aerosmith also re-recorded the track for the 2007 video game Guitar Hero: Aerosmith. With its enduring popularity, “Dream On” remains a defining moment in the band’s career and in rock music history.

The roots of “Dream On” run deep in Steven Tyler’s childhood, shaped by his father, a Juilliard-trained musician. In a 2011 interview, Tyler recalled lying beneath his father’s piano as a three-year-old, mesmerized by the classical melodies that would later influence his own music. “That’s where I got that Dream On chordage,” he said, reflecting on the early spark of creativity. By the age of 14, Tyler had completed the song’s lyrics, yet the composition’s true origins lay in a moment of youthful inspiration. In Walk This Way, the band’s memoir, Tyler reveals that the song’s music was first conceived on a Steinway upright piano in the living room of Trow-Rico Lodge in Sunapee, New Hampshire. At the time, he was just seventeen, and the simple tune he played felt more like an experiment than a future anthem. “I never dreamed it would end up as a real song or anything,” he muses, yet “Dream On” would go on to become a timeless reflection on the power of perseverance, embodying the universal hope of dreaming until those dreams come true. The song’s dramatic crescendo, with Tyler’s soaring screams, only adds to its epic nature, making it an unforgettable anthem of both personal and musical triumph.

But what about the lyrics

About The Lyrics

“Dream On” is a poignant reflection on the passage of time, capturing the bittersweet reality of aging. It urges us to embrace life fully, knowing that time is a precious, uncontrollable force—and that none of us are promised tomorrow. With a raw, unflinching awareness that the “good Lord” could call us away at any moment, the song serves as a powerful reminder to chase our dreams while we can, before time slips away.

In a November 1994 article from Rolling Stone titled Steven Tyler: Talk This Way Tyler had this to say:

When I wrote ‘Dream On,’ I went, ‘Where did this come from?’ I didn’t question it. When I read the lyrics back now, for a guy who was stoned, stupid, and dribbling, I got something out of there.

In a 2023 article from American Songwriter titled The Aspirational Meaning Behind Aerosmith’s 50-Year-Old Power Ballad “Dream On” Tyler was quoted saying the following:

“It’s about the hunger to be somebody, Dream until your dreams come true.” 

My Thoughts

You’d be hard pressed to find a song that more encapsulates the idea of following your dreams. For me, the lyrics not only deliver the inspiration to chase one’s dreams, but also the reason, why you should. The first verse speaks to me of a time of self reflection, when we examine ourselves to see the progression of life. The past is gone and you’ve paid your dues.

In the interlude, specifically the line, “you got to lose to know how to win” reminds us that our failures aren’t really failures, but rather, learning experiences that help us in our journey to our dreams.

Verse 2? A heavy reminder that we learn from others as well, when we chase our dreams. Not only do we learn from the wise, we learn from the follies of the fool as well.

But my favorite part of these lyrics, by far, is the chorus. Celebrate. If you are actively chasing your dreams, celebrate it. The ups, the downs and everything in between. You don’t know when your journey on this planet will end, so never stop chasing your dream and enjoy it along the way.

Remember To Keep Dreaming

“Dream On” by Aerosmith transcends its status as a mere song—it’s a powerful anthem about perseverance, self-reflection, and the relentless pursuit of dreams. The poignant lyrics, paired with the song’s soaring melody, remind us that time is fleeting and that the journey toward our dreams is just as important as the destination. Steven Tyler’s own experiences and reflections breathe life into these words, encouraging us all to keep pushing forward, no matter the obstacles. So, as you face life’s challenges, remember, as a young Steven Tyler told us years ago: Dream until your dream comes true.

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