Hella 90s: All I Want for Christmas is a Nightmare – Ep 122
Episode 122 – All I Want for Christmas is a Nightmare
Show Notes
Movie of the Week: Nightmare Before Christmas
Song of the Week: All I Want For Christmas Is You
Top 3: Favorite Christmas Songs of all Time
What are your favorite Christmas traditions from the past and now?
Nightmare Before Christmas
In The Nightmare Before Christmas, Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King of Halloween Town, becomes bored with the annual Halloween festivities and seeks something new. His curiosity leads him to Christmas Town, where he becomes fascinated by the unfamiliar holiday and decides to take over Christmas. Jack’s plan to reinvent Christmas by having the monsters of Halloween Town deliver presents goes awry, causing fear and chaos in the real world. Despite warnings from Sally, a kind-hearted rag doll, Jack persists, leading to disaster as his misguided gifts are met with fear and the abduction of Santa Claus by the villainous Oogie Boogie. After crashing in the real world and realizing the consequences of his actions, Jack finds redemption by rescuing Santa and Sally, defeating Oogie, and restoring order. In the end, Jack rediscovers his love for Halloween and his bond with Sally, while Santa brings Christmas cheer to Halloween Town.
Release – 1993
Notable Actors (voice)
Danny Elfman from the band Oingo Boingo does Jack’s singing voice.
Catherine O’Hara does the voice of Sally.
Paule Reubens (PeeWee) did the voice of Lock (one of Oogie’s trick or treaters).
(Listen to episode 122 to hear our answers)
Seen it or not seen it before this?
Do you like it or still like it?
Favorite character?
Favorite scene?
Anything new stand out to you?
Would you call it a Christmas movie or Halloween movie?
Ever seen the memes that show that Jack and Zero are really a deceased Grinch and Max?
Any final thoughts on the movie?
How would you rank it amongst Christmas movies? 1-100
All I Want For Chistmas Is You
Release – 1994
For a long time has had great reviews and people loved it.
Until… It seems in recent years… like maybe the last decade or so, people can’t stand it
(Listen to episode 122 for our answers)
Do you like it?
What Reddit had to say about All I Want For Christmas
It’s just so overplayed it’s ridiculous. Anyone who has had a retail job over the past three decades has heard that song no less than 10 times a day everyday they go work.
It’s just over played. I don’t like that song the same way I don’t like Queen’s – We Will Rock You. I’ve heard it thousands of times non-consensually
Because I know every word, despite never putting the song on myself. Its everywhere. A tick, burrowed into you skin, never to leave. That relative that never gets the hint to leave the holiday party. That spider in a corner to high for you to reach. All she wants for Christmas is your soul!
We hate it because the song sucks balls. Christmas songs that are actually good and meaningful are pushed aside to play this song about a horny woman. Nothing says Christmas like lust, I guess.
TOP 3 – Favorite Christmas Songs of all Time
(Listen to episode 122 for our Top 3)
Also, we talk about our least favorite Christmas songs of all time.
I found this list of Christmas traditions from around the world at countryliving.com . I’m going to tell you the tradition and I want you to tell me what country this takes place in.
The Yule Goat has been a Christmas symbol dating back to ancient pagan festivals in this country. However, in 1966, the tradition got a whole new life after someone came up with the idea to make a giant straw goat, now referred to as the Gävle Goat. According to the official website, the goat is more than 42 feet high, 23 feet wide, and weighs 3.6 tons. Each year, the massive goat is constructed in the same spot. Fans can even watch a livestream from the first Sunday of Advent until after the New Year when it’s taken down.
Country – Sweden
Although Christmas isn’t a national holiday in this country (an estimated one percent of the population is celebrates it. Rather than gathering around the table for a turkey or ham dinner, families head out to their local Kentucky Fried Chicken. The tradition began in 1974 after a wildly successful marketing campaign called “Kurisumasu ni wa kentakkii!” or “Kentucky for Christmas!” The fast food chain has maintained its yuletide popularity, causing some people to order their boxes months in advance or stand in two-hour-long lines to get their “finger lickin’ good” food.
Country – Japan
Similar to the 12 days of Christmas in the U.S., this country celebrates 13. Each night before Christmas, children are visited by the 13 Yule Lads. After placing their shoes by the window, the little ones will head upstairs to bed. In the morning, they’ll either have received candy (if they’re good) or be greeted with shoes full of rotten potatoes if they’re bad.
Country – Iceland
Alpine countries like this one have a legend that a devil-like creature called Krampus joins their St. Nicholas festivities on December 6. Children are asked for a list of their good and bad deeds: Good children are rewarded with sweets, apples, and nuts, and bad children worry what Krampus might bring on Christmas morning.
Country – Austria
The people of this country leave a tall red candle in a front window overnight, a welcoming symbol of warmth and shelter for the holiday season. Traditional Christmas fare in this country often includes homemade roast goose, vegetables, cranberries, and potatoes.
Country – Ireland
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